Securing your home at the change of a key
Choose the honest, fast and most reliable locksmith in the Orange County area. We specialize in residential and commercial rekeys, installations, and repairs so that when you need your locks changed, you have a quick and affordable solution. Call today for an easy quote and friendly services.

Residential Rekeys
Re-keying is the same as changing your locks. The benefit to a rekey is that you are not swapping out expensive hardware and wasting resources that can be customized safely and securely.
Call about our $125 flat-rate rekey. You get:
up to six locks rekeyed
four copies of your new key

Commercial Hardware
Do you have sagging, loose handles on doors that get a lot of traffic and abuse? Maybe the handle's function doesn't quite meet your needs?
NuKey can get your sad looking handles switched out for robust and appropriately customized hardware that works for you and your employees so you can focus on your business!